Correct, to do a translation you only need the English .pot file.
Attached is this file for Cedega 6.0.
Please see http://cedega.com/i18n/ for more information on how to make a
Happy translating!
Firstly how are you? Sir I want to translate Cedega language to Turkish
language. I need only English files right? Right now I didnt use Linux
but I will use next month. Now I have same special job and I think will
buy new PC with Ubuntu. I will enjoy translate to Cedega...
Just (possible) send me English files. I dont have Cedega any version.
Thanks a lot.
Daniel Koch -+- Cedega Development Lead -+- TransGaming Technologies
***@transgaming.com +1 613.244.1111 x352 www.transgaming.com
55 Byward Market, 2nd floor, Ottawa, ON Canada K1N 9C3