2005-11-13 18:05:17 UTC
This is the French Translation Update for Cedega 5.0.1. It contains new
translations for 5.0.1 and corrects some grammar mistakes I made in the
previous version.
I have also some comments on the English .pot file :
This translation is not applied in the GUI (I guess it might be a bug) :
#: p2p_gui.py:177
msgid "Finished checking for updates."
msgstr "Vérification des mises-à-jour terminée"
This is really not a good idea to split the text like this, it makes
translation very uncomfortable :
#: Point2Play_gui.py:2471
msgid "cedega -option /PATH_TO_FOO/foo.exe -switch\n"
msgstr ""
#: Point2Play_gui.py:2473
msgid "This will run program foo.exe in the directory PATH_TO_FOO
and pass"
msgstr ""
#: Point2Play_gui.py:2474
msgid "the command line argument -switch to foo.exe. Using this
method the"
msgstr ""
#: Point2Play_gui.py:2475
msgid "directory $HOME/.cedega/Dot TransGaming will be used as
msgstr ""
#: Point2Play_gui.py:2476
msgid "location and the current default configuration profile from"
msgstr ""
#: Point2Play_gui.py:2477
msgid "$HOME/.cedega/configuration_profiles. If the Dot TransGaming
msgstr ""
#: Point2Play_gui.py:2478
msgid "is not present it will be created.\n"
msgstr ""
GUERRAZ François.
This is the French Translation Update for Cedega 5.0.1. It contains new
translations for 5.0.1 and corrects some grammar mistakes I made in the
previous version.
I have also some comments on the English .pot file :
This translation is not applied in the GUI (I guess it might be a bug) :
#: p2p_gui.py:177
msgid "Finished checking for updates."
msgstr "Vérification des mises-à-jour terminée"
This is really not a good idea to split the text like this, it makes
translation very uncomfortable :
#: Point2Play_gui.py:2471
msgid "cedega -option /PATH_TO_FOO/foo.exe -switch\n"
msgstr ""
#: Point2Play_gui.py:2473
msgid "This will run program foo.exe in the directory PATH_TO_FOO
and pass"
msgstr ""
#: Point2Play_gui.py:2474
msgid "the command line argument -switch to foo.exe. Using this
method the"
msgstr ""
#: Point2Play_gui.py:2475
msgid "directory $HOME/.cedega/Dot TransGaming will be used as
msgstr ""
#: Point2Play_gui.py:2476
msgid "location and the current default configuration profile from"
msgstr ""
#: Point2Play_gui.py:2477
msgid "$HOME/.cedega/configuration_profiles. If the Dot TransGaming
msgstr ""
#: Point2Play_gui.py:2478
msgid "is not present it will be created.\n"
msgstr ""
GUERRAZ François.