Rob Crittenden
2007-04-25 17:27:24 UTC
The CVS source currently builds but fails at runtime with:
"BUILTIN32_dlopen failed to load .so lib for builtin x11drv.dll:
/path/to/wine/lib/ undefined symbol: wine_gettid"
Here is a patch which fixes it:
Index: dlls/x11drv/glx.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/winex/dlls/x11drv/glx.c,v
retrieving revision 1.157
diff -r1.157 glx.c
< ctx->owner_unix_tid = wine_gettid();
"BUILTIN32_dlopen failed to load .so lib for builtin x11drv.dll:
/path/to/wine/lib/ undefined symbol: wine_gettid"
Here is a patch which fixes it:
Index: dlls/x11drv/glx.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/winex/dlls/x11drv/glx.c,v
retrieving revision 1.157
diff -r1.157 glx.c
< ctx->owner_unix_tid = wine_gettid();
ctx->owner_unix_tid = wine_gettid_or_pid();
I donate this code to Transgaming.rob